Eng­lish Version

Dear Fri­end,

we are very hap­py that you are visi­ting our web­site. For the most part, our web­site is in Ger­man but that does­n’t mean, that we are not open for Eng­lish-spea­king guest. On the con­tra­ry – more and more often we have guests and cli­ents in our semi­nars, retre­ats and ses­si­ons, that only speak litt­le Ger­man – or non at all.

So, this page is espe­ci­al­ly for you. We will inform you about our work and this insight will hop­eful­ly make it easy for you to find out, if the­re is some­thing we can do for you. And – if so – what.
Plea­se do cont­act us if you have any ques­ti­ons, or want to book our services.


First of all – we do have a You­Tube-Chan­nel with a lot of Eng­lish vide­os about dif­fe­rent topics. This might give you a good first impres­si­on about us and how we see the world.

Our Work

Our work basi­cal­ly con­sists of two main are­as: The semi­nars and our indi­vi­du­al work.

The Semi­nars

Let’s start with the semi­nars. In our semi­nars, the­re are usual­ly bet­ween 15 an 35 par­ti­ci­pan­ts, that want to expe­ri­ence tan­tra and want to find out more about their inner workings. Some have a topic they want to sol­ve, other don’t. Some are cou­ples, other take part wit­hout a part­ner. The semi­nars usual­ly start on Wed­nes­day and end on Sun­day. Most of the semi­nars take place in Bad Bel­zig, that is loca­ted south of Ber­lin. The­re are trains from Ber­lin every hour, that will easi­ly take you the­re. If you have fur­ther ques­ti­ons or want to book, you can cont­act us.
To give you a bet­ter impres­si­on about our semi­nars, you might want to have a look at one of the fol­lo­wing links:

Indi­vi­du­al Work

Our indi­vi­du­al work is usual­ly about a topic, that you want to explo­re. Any topic is pos­si­ble: love, sexua­li­ty, job, rela­ti­onships, addic­tions, depres­si­on… any­thing. Don’t be afraid to ask: no mat­ter how stran­ge and embar­ras­sing the topic may feel to yours­elf – rest assu­red, that some­time in the last 20 years of our expe­ri­ence, we have alre­a­dy work­ed with someone else on it. Ever­yo­ne tends to think, that one is alo­ne in the world with tho­se spe­ci­fic topics – but that is never true.
To get a bet­ter image about our retre­ats, the­re is a feed­back from a par­ti­ci­pant in Eng­lish. If you have fur­ther ques­ti­ons or want to book, you can cont­act us.

That is all for now and we hope to get to know you soon and wish you a very plea­sant life until then.